Monday, 28 April 2014


Unit 2 Final Evaluation

The Brief
The brief was to create a  book cover based on a theme of our choice. It could be for a novel or an instruction guide, all we had to do was make the cover. In response i did research by looking at other book covers similar to the topic that I had chosen. I created scamps and drafts of other book covers before creating my own in order to make mine look as good as possible. I took photos in order to get a grasp of the book cover I wanted to create.

Artist Influence
He isn't known for being an artist, he's mainly renowned for being the author of Lord of the Rings and wrote an entire universe of books, but he also did most of the original illustrations and paitings. I really like his illustrations and the typeface that he created using pen and ink, this is where I got inspiration for me book cover. I attempted to create my own typeface replicating his style. I looked at the works of other artists who have made book covers for either The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings and took great inspiration from lots of those. I emulated some techniques like watercolour and created a piece of my own.

I experimented with copy and emulation. I first of all copied a piece that I liked using the same watercolour technique. I tried several times to produce an accurate enough copy. I then used my own ideas and the same technique to create a new piece of my own. Watercolour can be a difficult technique to use, since a lot of drying time is needed. Luckily I had a hair dryer to help me with the drying problem.

I put a lot of effort into the drawing and colouring of my front cover. The colouring was something that took a lot of time and effort, and doing it using a mac mouse was not the easiest of tasks. Colour is very important on my cover since it incorporates a number of drawings that I did using pen and ink. I refined my colours by choosing from a variety of colours in a colour pallet.

Final Piece
Since he did most of the art for the Lord of the Rings, its hard not to be influenced by Tolkien's work. I have been influenced by his work, especially on my back cover drawing which is of one of his original maps. I really like the design/final drawing on my front cover. It looks well coloured and I really enjoy how it turned out, but with some refinement to the edges and some of the colours it could perhaps be improved. I would definitely change my background/full cover image, instead of it just being one solid colour. I will definitely add gradients to my work to make it look more appealing and give it depth.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Final Draft

This is my final stage draft. This the last draft that I decided to do before creating my final final.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


This is my final book cover design. I think it turned out very well after all of the drafting and experimentation 

Friday, 28 March 2014

Drafting Book Cover Ideas

These are my final 8 draft front cover ideas. These ideas vary in style and design. It is a good idea to cover a wide range of designs in order to see which would go best as a complete and proper book cover.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Designed Subject Type

This is my attempt at producing a typeface similar to that of JRR Tolkien. I took great inspiration from him and so wanted to in some way slightly mimic his style.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Book Cover Emulation

 This is my book cover emulation using my chosen element - watercolour. I like watercolour and I'm happy with how this emulation ended up.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Book Cover Copy

This is the original book cover that I have chosen to produce a copy of.

This is my first attempt. I thought that I could do better if I tried again, so I did.

This is my final copy. I am happy with this copy, but with more practise I could make a copy that is even better.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Cover Analysis

This is the analysis of an actual book cover that I took from the internet. I did it in order to analyse the features of a book cover so I could attempt to implement them into my final book cover.

Friday, 28 February 2014

Book Cover Scamp Ideas

I did a number of book cover first scamp ideas which I attempted to piece together in my head. These are my first drafts. From here I narrowed down the book cover that I wanted to make for my final piece.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Book Cover Subject Matter Drawings

I did a number of subject matter drawings in order to become more familiar with my chosen subject. I also knew I was going to be doing drawings, so I did lots in order to practise.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Contact Sheet w/ annotations

I used the 'Panorama' feature on my iPhone to create these very interesting wide shots of the environment.
I like how the green of the leaves blends with the dead autumn ferns on the ground. The rocks also sit up above the trees, which is the look I was hoping for.
From this panorama, it's possible to see both walls to either side of a cave from standing inside, this wouldn't be possible with a normal picture.
This panorama gives a much wider shot from the cave the previous picture was taken from. It gives an interesting darkness to the cave that I like.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Book Cover Conventions of the Form

I made this presentation in order to see the conventions of a book cover in hope that it would help me with creating my own.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Book Cover Scamps - Others (12)

Scamps are ideas. Ideas are easier to come up with once you have scamps to go off of. These scamps were copied from images of book covers, some famous, some not so. Some are of magazine covers which typically contain the same amount of content as a book cover does, so they work just as well.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Similar Book Covers (Pinterest Screenshots)

I used Pinterest to gather subject matter and similar book covers to look at and use as examples for my work.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Book Cover Brainstorm

In order to gather ideas for my book cover I created this brainstorm. It was useful, I now know what I want to make my book cover about.
In this brainstorm, I focused around Order and Disorder, Fact and Fiction. This allowed me to brainstorm a wide variety of topics and subjects.